This product is available via an open source license
NOTE: Plugin support via pvRequest is only implemented in C++ and only in: pvDatabaseCPP
Both record and field options can be specified. This section provides some details about support for field options.
Some examples are:
pvget -r "record[process=true]field(value[array=5:10])" someScalarArray
pvget -m -r "value[deadband=abs:1.0],timeStamp[ignore=true],alarm[ignore=true]" -v someScalar
pvCopy implements plugin filters that can optionally be attached to fields accessed via pvCopy. Thus, if a channel provider uses pvCopy, it automatically has plugin filter support.
pvCopy itself provides the following plugins: array, deadband, timestamp, and ignore. Other plugins can also be implemented and registered.
The following interfaces are used for implementing plugin filters: PVPlugin, PVFilter, and PVPluginRegistry.
Method create is called when an instance of pvCopy is created by a channel provider.
interface PVPlugin { PVFilter create(String requestValue,PVCopy pvCopy,PVField master); }where
Returns the PVFilter. A null is returned if master or requestValue is not appropriate for the plugin.
The method filter is called whenever pvCopy is used to access a field of the client PVStructure.
interface PVFilter { boolean filter(PVField copy,BitSet bitSet,boolean toCopy); String getName(); }where
Returns (true,false) if filter modified destination.
class PVPluginRegistry { static void registerPlugin(String name,PVPlugin pvPlugin); static PVPlugin find(String name); }The arguments are:
The return value for find is the plugin implementation or null if no plugin with that name has been registered.
This filter is used to retrieve parts of an array (subarrays and strided subarrays). It is modeled after the array Filter that is provided with epics base starting with the 3.15 releases.
This filter works for both get and put. It works for any scalarArray field. It has not been tested for structureArray or unionArray fields.
The syntax is one of the following:
[array=start] [array=start:end] [array=start:increment:end]
start and end both specify an index. increment must be a positive integer.
start and end can be a positive or negative integer. If negative it is relative to the end of the array with -1 meaning the last element.
Suppose that the master array is:
Then the get request
1,2,3,4,5The request:
8,9,10The request:
3,4,5,6The request:
This filter is used to limit the changes to a numeric scalar field that are reported to a client. It is modeled after the deadband Filter that is provided with epics base starting with the 3.15 releases.
This filter only works for numeric scalar fields and only for toCopy.
The syntax is one of the following:
[deadband=abs:value] [deadband=rel:value]where
The following options could be added:
[deadband=skip:value] [deadband=maxrate:value] [deadband=maxvalue:value] [deadband=minvalue:value]where
This filter is used for accessing a timeStamp field. It is modeled after the timeStamp Filter that is provided with epics base starting with the 3.15 releases.
This filter only works for a timeStamp field.
The syntax is one of the following:
[timestamp=current] [timestamp=copy]where
This is not an actual plugin but is handled by pvCopy itself. It is used to suppress sending data to a client unless other fields have changed.
The syntax is:
[ignore=true]One of the examples shown at the beginning of this section shows how it can be used.
To see the array plugin in action.
pvput PVRdoubleArray value=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] ...
pvget -r "value[array=1:2:9]" PVRdoubleArray PVRdoubleArray [2,4,6,8,10]then
pvput -r "value[array=1:2:9]" PVRdoubleArray [100,200,300,400,500] ...then
pvget -r value PVRdoubleArray PVRdoubleArray [1,100,3,200,5,300,7,400,9,500]
NOTE: The syntax for setting value, i. e.
value='[10,20,30]'Also could be:
value='["10","20","30"]'In fact if the element values are anything except an integer, each element should be enclosed in quotes.
In one window:
pvget -m -v -r "timeStamp[ignore=true],alarm[ignore=true],value[deadband=abs:1]" PVRdouble
Then in another window:
pvput PVRdouble 10 pvput PVRdouble 9.5 pvput PVRdouble 9 pvput PVRdouble 8.5 pvput PVRdouble 5
Plugin ignore is not a separate plugin, but is implemented by pvCopy itself. This is because it needs to implement the following semantics:
If only fields with option ignore=true have been changed than no event is declared. But the next time any other field changes then all such fields that did get changed will also be part of the event data.
The channel provider for PVDatabase calls the following for channelGet:
notifyClient = pvCopy->updateCopySetBitSet
The channel provider for PVDatabase calls the following for monitor
bool result = pvCopy->updateCopyFromBitSetBoth update methods end with the statement:
return checkIgnore(copyPVStructure,bitSet);This code is:
bool PVCopy::checkIgnore( PVStructurePtr const & copyPVStructure, BitSetPtr const & bitSet) { if(!ignorechangeBitSet) { return (bitSet->nextSetBit(0)<0) ? false : true; } int32 numFields = copyPVStructure->getNumberFields(); BitSet temp(numFields); temp = *bitSet; int32 ind = 0; while(true) { ind = ignorechangeBitSet->nextSetBit(ind); if(ind<0) break; temp.clear(ind); ind++; if(ind>=numFields) break; } return (temp.nextSetBit(0)<0) ? false : true; }
Note that the code: